For the last several weeks I have shared a desk with a friend. While the statement might make it sound like he is there on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while I show up on the other days, it is something quite different. Almost every day we share the same piece of real estate. His computer almost touches mine as they face in opposite directions. I borrow the use of his power cord when mine runs low, computers acting as kissing cousins. When he needs something from the bookshelf behind me, I stop what I am doing and retrieve it. We are in each other’s business for ten and sometimes fifteen hours daily, so it feels as if we are sharing our personal space and everything that comes with it.
The intensity of the experience has changed my view, whatever it was. I have come to appreciate a father that is passionate about life. He works hard. He is committed to idealistic goals. There are moments when he responds with intense emotions and the language to go with it. His ethics and purpose are honorable. If I had to describe my view of our friendship a month ago, I would likely have used the word fun. Now I need to add words like disciplined, purposeful, and crazy in a good way.
As I reflect, I wonder what it would be like if I was as intense with others, especially Divinity. Would I say about them what I say about him? Do I know what each is doing day to day, even someone as obvious as God? I might read the notes that were left, like one reminding me that God “tied up the Dragon in knots, put a muzzle on the Deep Blue Sea,” (Psalm 68.22) but do I know with my heart?
I enjoy working together. I am proud of our work. I want to be able to say the same about other individuals and areas of passion in my life. This will require time and sharing space. Life reminds me that there are no shortcuts.