For much of my childhood I was short and physically slight. The doctors assured my mother that I would grow. The reality of my height encouraged many to doubt, myself included. It was natural to develop a dislike of others that dominated, especially with their bulk. Even as I have picked up the traits that come with being taller than the average person, I still dislike being dominated. My perspective was challenged recently.
Friends are enjoying the wonder that comes with a young child. Discoveries are here for her enjoyment! Everything is possible. What is old is new, what is common can be seen differently. As I watched the play between child and adults, innocent and knowing, it was clear that her approach to life was shaped by an attitude of curiosity and wonder. It was infectious. Normally quiet and reserved adults willingly joined in the quests. Otherwise reserved adults were willingly playing on the floor. While I know we were in charge, she was the dominating force.
Kids have an ability to do far more than they imagine or realize. I find myself being reminded that some things do not change as we grow. Whatever is happening outside, uncertainty in the future or storms in the present, can be pushed to the side as one plays with a child. Their grasp of hope and possibilities touches our hearts. Old words ring true again; “Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you [Hope]; toddlers shout the songs that drown out enemy talk, and silence atheist babble.” (Psalm 8.2)
I would like to say that I have relinquished my need to dominate and control. I know the hope is there but the reality I saw with a child at play tells me otherwise. It seems that kids are at their best when they dominate with hope, wonder, and a sense of excitement. When they turn ugly, I see an echo of myself. There is a difference. Dominating forces are in your life and mine. Today is an opportunity to take sides and live out the reality of our choice.