I was recently advised that I was caught up in too much detail in my job. The opinion centered around the fact that my elbows were very dirty, my hands continued to be actively working the soil, and it was clear to all who looked my way that I was deeply involved. Given the importance of the task, the critical place we were in the process, and the way that certain individuals had resisted change so far, I could not imagine not getting involved!
I know that there are those who strive to do nothing. Their apparent goal in life is to reach a stage where someone cleans their house for them, another cooks, and a thirds helps them dress and draws their bath. Every house should have a small but efficient staff! Having people wait on you is the ultimate! Being at the top of the food chain is the goal, isn’t it? My reply is, “not really”.
I like getting dirty elbows. My goal is not to be at the top of the food chain but to add value to the lives of those I meet. The motivation is ultimately about service for and to others. We, and I stress the “we” share a journey of recreation and restoration. There is far more that we collectively long and thirst for than for what we compete with each other for dominance. One of the great lies is that only the “best” win. Another untruth is that material stuff, power, or status is a measure of success. The final truth comes through in a comparison of our value and worth. We all stand equal before God. Each is priceless because of what God has done because of who they are!
Everyone has a role to play. Even “the first Angel stepped up and poured his bowl out on earth.” (Revelation 16.2) The result will be a step towards the kingdom, a move to ultimate recreation and the banishment of pain and suffering! We have a role to play and this means getting involved; now!