I sit reflecting how the cycle of life end then starts again, often daily. All around me the colleagues of my youth are facing the challenge of disease and pain, at least that is what I find when I get past those who have already lost the battle for life with cancer. In the midst of the reflection I find myself gazing out on the Bay of Bengal, soothed by trade breezes, and surrounded by the lively chatter of the girls in my life. The contrast only mirrors the irony of India. Beauty and despair, extreme poverty curtailed by pride and hope, extreme obstacles offset by miracles and success.
Life’s irony comes full circle. The last time Cherry was in India was over seventeen years ago. We were young, full of hope and ignorance, excited by a world that had not yet to reach out to let us know what we had waiting for us. If I look back over the span of days and was able to do one thing different it would simply come down to the closing words in Wisdom’s book.
“Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!” (Proverbs 31.31)
Life is hard enough without each of us making it harder for another. Life is problematic on a good day. Are there reasons that compel me to compound the challenge?
I come full circle and it is the same for one day as for one week as for one year as for seventeen years. The questions remain to be answered through living. What will I make of the day before me? How will I help those around me? Can I live this moment to the full so if there are no others in the future I will rest satisfied that I gave everything so that other and I might really live?
For the present you and I live in a world torn by the fragility of life. Our decisions today make a difference. Our touch impact people for now and eternity! Ends, middles, and beginnings – life.