My birthday celebration earlier this month lasted for almost a week. During that period, I celebrated in several ways. I started with a celebration with others whose birthdays were the day before, after, and a few days apart. I continued with family gatherings, each special in a unique way. Across the events, I had one birthday cake. In a small dinner with good friends, I ended my birthday by celebrating with candles, a small portion of cake, and a song.
I look back on the evening, still feeling the warmth and hope. I realised the evening was more than a birthday pattern following others before me. “Though the smart ones see where they’re going and the stupid ones grope in the dark, they’re all the same in the end. One fate for all – and that’s it.” (Ecclesiastes 2:14). The evening was about remembering, celebrating, and preparing for what comes next. The candle did not represent the end of it all. With the candle blown out by my breath, I looked ahead and to the light I would bring.
Ends are milestones, doorways to what comes next. It is essential to celebrate and remember. Without taking the time to do this, I am bound to repeat yesterday’s mistakes and lost opportunities. I have come to value an essential piece I missed in my younger years. Each milestone is not the end; instead, it marks the beginning. I have an opportunity to take my awareness and understanding from my successes and failures and put it towards fulfilling my calling in life.
Life is found in how I strive in the moments I have. As good, or whatever word I use to describe the past, I was yesterday; my life is found in the moment I have now. Tiredness is a weight we all carry, likely growing with time. As I enjoyed the moment, I found myself in the arms of those caring for my heart and soul. This morning, I am experiencing Divinity embracing me with the same compassion, kindness, and care.
Come, now is the time.