From the top of the hill, two spires framed my view. In the distance, a cathedral spire. The spire stood tall, enduring, and in the crisp air, resolute. In the foreground was a contemporary sculpture. The sculpture, at that moment, took me to a refiner’s fire flame reaching upwards to the heavens. The scene took me to a timeless place. I could hear the voices past and present. Their calls for mercy and compassion echoed across the ages. In the ripples of the voices, I could hear old words and new. Family and community, acceptance and equality, hope and opportunity, and strongest of all, the knowing that comes when one belongs.
Endurance, then and now, relies on the beliefs and values within me. Without them, I will never have the courage to endure. When they are absent, the strength to endure is missing. Finding the will to live making a difference is at the heart of enduring and preserving through to the end. Life’s whispers continue to teach and guide.
Wisdom and truth are timeless. Music touches the soul across time. The experience with a kind word is never forgotten. In the temptation to stay current, it is important to remember. An old reminder is still a relevant reminder; “Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it’s written for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next.” (Romans 15.4)
There is no end to beauty and awe. One might think s/he had seen it all, only to discover a fresh sense of awe in the smell of a flower, the beauty of a sunset, or the way one’s heart is warmed through an embrace. Every expression of beauty is timeless. Each moment of awe etches itself on the hearts and souls of those who witness.
There will be opportunities for fresh expressions love, kindness, and care today. One can seize each one, taking steps towards a better future.