In meeting up with old and new friends, there were several unexpected journeys down memory lanes. The pleasant surprises took me back to random times and places in unknown shared history, moments filled with hope as well as soul destroying.
As I look on the events with fresh eyes and many more miles under my feet, new lessons, reminders, and insights emerge. I am sure they were always there, however, until now they have remained hidden.
Note and consider the details of the moment you are in. It is more unique than you realize. Try to see and understand the characters present and just beyond your line of sight. Celebrate whenever possible because it will help cement the details within each memory. As important as reflecting, learning, and dreaming are, they start with this moment. The more fully present you are, the more one can see context, freedom, and choice.
Regularly reflect on yesterday to inform one today. I love the psalmist details of yesterday, “Yes, he struck down great nations, he slew mighty kings,” (Psalm 135.10) because one knows it yesterday is just the beginning of this moment. With more details, one has a greater opportunity to learn, grow, and see the choices at hand.
Use details, past and present, as guides to a bigger story. Experience the linkage between being with healthy, positive individuals and great outcomes. Explore the connection between the love of music and art and create outcomes infused with compassion, love, and wonder. Revel in the details of celebration and the relationships which contributed to making it possible.
I recall the first time I touched a canvas, felt the details of the brush strokes left in the oils, and the background found in the texture of the canvas and the choice of primer. When I let myself go in the details and then stepped back to take in the artist full creation, I was stunned! There was so much more than I had seen with my first look.
Life invites us to step in, then out in every moment. Carpe diem!