There are two recurring questions reaching their peak today. “Are you ready? Can we open presents today?” The stopwatches are running and alarms set for Christmas morning. Proposals surface by the minute, wrapped in fresh rationale that drives a possible decision that the wrapped packages should be open, enjoyed, and experienced today, the eve before Christmas.
I remember the same process, differing words and logic, when I was young. Every year we went through the same struggle. Every year my father controlled the process. I cannot remember a Christmas where I went away feeling cheated. In fact, one Christmas sticks out in my mind where there were very few presents under the tree yet the sense of family, caring, and togetherness was present. Each person received a present with their “name” on it culminating with a pair of mud-masked faces for my parents.
I actually think we should ask a variation of the two questions every day. The rationale is quite simple. We are on the eve of God's final return each morning. I cannot predict when God will come back, however, I do believe that there are two facts on the table.
We shape our knowledge and thoughts of God's return by our biases. If we do not want him to come back, there are thousands of reasons for his continued delay. If we are fearful, then the fright rationale begins to wear off the day our logic begins.
We often believe, even when we know better, that we need to do something for ourselves in order for Christ to come.
The first centers on “Can we expect God's return today?” The second, “Are you ready?”
We cannot buy our own gifts! The only things we can do for ourselves to help God return, believe and be strong. Remember, “all of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make you strong.” (Romans 16.25)
Are you ready? The answer lies in the strength of the One strong enough to make us strong! We are living in an eve. We are almost there.