Everywhere I look I see God in action! Working an act of mercy there, giving assurance of belonging here, and touching people just when they need it. While it is so easy to forget, He is always doing His stuff.
Hearing about another’s journey, sharing in the frustrations of life, and working together provides an easy way to see God in action. As I worked late into the night with a friend, I could see God reaching out to touch and work in his life. I am fairly sure that he does not realize that God is there, but I can see it. As we mixed old and new, struggling to see a direction to work, we searched for a foundational beginning.
“Do you remember that time…?” (Romans 11.2)
While we explored the situation, my mind wandered. I was not looking for God in action at the time, but now I see evidence that he was there all along – working through the human fragilities that we all have. Touches of grace and love abound at every corner, and we missed them!
Paul is as bold as I want to be. “And do you remember God’s answer?” (Romans 11.4)
Yes, I remember God in action! I felt God’s presence this morning as I frantically tried to finish my packing for the trip from nowhere. I saw God at work in the lives of two young girls who stayed with us. I heard of God wrapping his arms around a child that fell yet again, always patient, always loving and kind. I looked again in silence and awe as I saw that the child carried my image.
When I stop and reflect I remember the stories of old – God working miracles of healing, God solving monumental, unsolvable problems, and God rescuing the young and foolish. I pause and remember the names of friend and family involved. I feel overwhelmed by what makes no sense. I find God’s unconditional love, his forever and always forgiveness, and arms that reach out in assurance.
“It’s the same today.” (Romans 11.5)