God knows exactly what is going on in your life and mind. Trust me, I am not talking about the externals! God has full knowledge of our intimate inside, the hidden self, with all the stuff good and bad, stunning and horrible. God knows this and more. This knowledge should ensure that any possibility of Him being involved in our lives does not exist.
The analysis and conclusion is spot on, except for the final statement. God is involved in our lives, working out acts of mercy and unconditionally acceptance, constantly. Given the mountain of evidence in your life and mine there is no other conclusion possible. The evidence does not answer the why, but it does document the answer to the question “does God love you”.
Today is a milestone of birth for a brother who is very important to me. I see God working stuff in His life and can confirm that there is evidence that “God knew what he was doing from the very beginning.” (Romans 8.29) I know that others may doubt, but I see glimpses of the heart and it is one full of caring and acceptance. I cannot see the future; I offer confidence based on his life that there is a path to God that God himself is laying signs and evidence. Can I do anything but offer the same in return?
As I stop and reflect on yesterday, I find myself in awe of the ways God whispers and yells in my life. I know that I can be very dense, as I ably demonstrate when it comes to projects, however, the evidence of grace in my life shows up every day in life. Dinner with new friends that speaks to conversations born in God’s well of grace, train rides from the heart of man into the arms of God, and the touch of confidence from His children who see through the externals.
God loves you and me! We can run, God will be there – anyways. Want to believe? Just look at the evidence in your life.