As I think of the closing lines of a short chapter, I find myself thinking of the beginning. In this reflection, there are so many memories and emotions. Like an expectant mother, I know that there is a future where humanity will return to the centre of all that we do. Even if it is not now, the conviction and belief are growing within.
Time is not the only measure of success. How quickly I reach a milestone is interesting. What is even more interesting are the people, purpose, and progress involved in each step. Every opportunity to build relationships, learn, and experience enriches our lives and potentially deepens our intent.
Waiting can be a unique window to seeing and understanding. Each moment is filled with insights and opportunities. “That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us.” (Romans 8.24)
In a journey, making each moment worthwhile is a calling to live fully and completely. At times, I lose my balance and focus too much on the immediate or the strategic. When one finds the right blend, one is thinking forward while filled with intent and living in the moment one has. Distractions are put aside. It is all about the people, relationships, and the decision to be taken.
Waiting, like pain, always seems larger and more lasting than it will be. In the moments where waiting seems endless, I hear life’s whisper suggesting I take a deep cleansing breath. As I do, I find Divinity’s spirit filling my heart with peace and quietness. As this deepens, the invitation to be a messenger delivering kindness, compassion, and care.
I am expecting. Expecting care and compassion to define the days ahead. Expecting to continue my pursuit of bringing humanity back into the centre of all that I do, especially in my work. Expecting to be taking steps with others towards a better future for our community. After all, we are family and children of Divinity.