I recently ran into a friend that I would really enjoy working with. The meeting was not planned. As if life wanted us to talk, we both ended up at the same place for meetings that had nothing to do with each other. There was no way of knowing we were going to meet but now that we were here, we took the time to have a short conversation.
From recent events, to family and friends, we shared highlights of what has unfolded since we last spoke. As we talked about catching up soon, I realized that I had not expressed my hopes and desires face to face. Even as I started to talk, his attention zeroed in on my words, expression, and intent.
“That opportunity would be special. It could take the best of what we do at work to a whole new level.”
Even as I reflect on the conversation, I realize how many unspoken desires and thoughts are trapped within me. Each time I forget to express it to another is a lost opportunity. My resolve is towards the following.
Seize each window with another to share the best of your heart. Starting with an expression of one’s greatest hopes for another often opens unexpected doorways to new opportunities. When left unspoken, it is as if one moved just a little farther away. Even the best ways we can work together become a little more difficult and challenging.
Sharing our desires and hopes for the other does not start and end with friends. It can also include both ends of the relationships spectrum – looking for the best in new friends to letting those closes to one’s heart know what one is thinking. The Psalmist’s prayer is one I want to embrace; “Remember me, God, when you enjoy your people; include me when you save them.” (Psalm 106.4)
Walking knowing that unexpected opportunities may emerge when least expected. Be prepared. Be aware. Be ready to act. I never want to miss an opportunity to build on my heart’s greatest desires.
Opportunities will come.