You can see it in a child’s eyes; the honest twinkle that lets you know you have found someone interested in life, living, and discovering things new. I do not know how to describe it, yet I can tell you of children and others where it is still there. A few people never lose the twinkle, no matter how old they get. It is as if time has stood still for them; the jest for life and enthusiasm to see things fresh and respond in honesty seems to be bubbling at all times.
You have heard me talk about Charles; a man that knew the joys of childhood for seven decades. I can think of others, especially Candy. On one hand she is a fighter who has struggled against disease for over thirty years. Yet when I think of her I do not think of courage, endurance, or patience, I think of her bright smile and the twinkle in her eye. She accepts no fools or charlatans, confronting each with honesty no matter what the cost. For those who shared a zest for life she has unlimited time.
If you ever met either Charles or Candy you would know what I mean. It was as if nothing in the world mattered but relationships. They knew that it is “better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust.” (Proverbs 19.1) Their hearts open and transparent; lives were better because of having spent time in their presence.
I wonder what people see in my eyes. Does the pain of yesterday and today come through first? Are the burdens that we choose to carry the witness to what I hope for the future? Is the self-god I try to keep buried deep within visible?
One of the most difficult things to accept is that whatever people saw yesterday does not need to shape the present and future. We can learn from yesterday and let go of the weight that guilt brings. Combine this with God’s unlimited mercy and grace and twinkles will become reality.