3 January 2005
Some believe facts change everything. Bluntly, they don’t and won’t. As obvious, heart rending, and forceful as the facts are, some hearts are only moved for a brief moment. After the initial hesitation the old priorities and values return while the facts continue to reflect torn hearts and lives. I already sense the senses dulling after a week of tragedies. How much more can we take? What about the stories not making the front page? Could we handle the full story?
Far too often I find myself holding onto the ignorance card for comfort. If only “they” knew and understood, everything would be ok. The question is the same yesterday as it is today. When confronted with the facts, “the high priests and Pharisees called a meeting of the Jewish ruling body. ‘What do we do now?’ they asked. ‘This man keeps on doing things, creating God-signs.’” (John 11.47) When confronted with the miracles of life, generosity of people who have little to give, and the hearts reaching out for life, the question always comes back to the same, “what do we do now?”
The answer appears to be complex. There are millions in need of help. There are far too many within the area in which I live needing assistance. How can I solve the problems? Yet I am not being asked to solve every problem, hurt, and situation of injustice. That isn’t your job or mine. The question you and I face is rather simple. Will you help? Will you do something? The answer is either “yes” or “no”. A non-answer is a “no” response.
When someone is hurting, taking the time to care is a simple response. There may be more to do or this could be where your role ends. If a co-working needs help, a simple hand for just a brief moment could be the difference between a good day and bad one for him or her. Giving of your self and whatever means are available in a given moment is all that one can do. In this, we plant hope.
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