Even though the family I come from looks like a typical white-anglo-saxon, anywhere in America except the northeast kind of family, we are not. Candidly, I do not know many families today that easily fit the stereotype. Yet, many fit far better than ours does. We have far too much Asian influence creeping in when you, or we least expect it.
One of the differences lies in our response to families. I grew up in an environment that says if you have any link to the family you are family. If you are a fifth-cousin twice removed, do not fret, welcome to the clan! If you know someone who knows someone who said to stop by if you were in the neighborhood, welcome to the family. Are you hungry? Do you need a place to hang your hat, rest, perhaps spend the night? Is there anything I can do for you?
As I child, I remember stumbling to the breakfast table to find strangers. After a few direct questions from a child, our guests began to understand they were a part of our extended family. All the rights, headaches came with the introduction! The process did not end with hospitality. If anyone was in need, you helped. If anyone needed something, you gave. If anyone needed someone for anything, our time was his or her time.
As I grew older, I discovered a simple face. Every family was and is not the same as ours. It is a mistake to assume that every Asian family behaves this way, yet it is not exceptional. As I began to know God, I discovered God grew up in my neighborhood. His words ring true, “It's because of my dear servant Jacob, Israel my chosen, that I've singled you out, called you by name, and given you this privileged work. And you don't even know me!” (Isaiah 45.4) We are part of Divinity’s family; physically and even as we choose emotionally. Our mission is to live family.
Today is going to be one full of surprises. Families are like that.
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