This morning I was asked if I liked being a father. It is a strange question in some ways, especially given that I have played the role for over fifteen years. Regardless of my feelings, I am a father. So does my opinion on the subject matter? Yes!
My views of who and what I am often colors and shape my actions in relationships. I know that I often make mistakes, yet I continue to enjoy each and every day of fatherhood. I know that I would not insist on anyone becoming a father if they did not make the choice, yet it is one of the most amazing experiences that fit into something even bigger.
I find that my role as a father to be quite similar to my responsibilities as one who accepted God’s mandate to watch over Her children. God is looking for those who will be His hands, ears, and voice in the lives of those looking for Him. The job is not for the fainthearted. The issues and challenges fall into many of the same patterns found with traditional fatherhood. Discipline, involvement, attention are all requirements; just as passing on the value of self, nurturing their development in the ways that work for them, and most of all giving away the gift of unconditional acceptance of love.
Also, like fatherhood, I do not think I understood what I was getting into when I tool on the role of parenting God’s kids. Yet, it is clear I would not trade the experience for anything else and that I would encourage anyone to pursue the opportunity when it comes. God promises each of us “when you find me, you find life, real life, to say nothing of God’s good pleasure.” (Proverbs 8.35) This is especially true as we realize our calling to parenting others in their pursuit of growing in and with God.
Everyone has an opportunity to be a parent for God, regardless of our knowledge of the subject. Accepting and giving away the gift of God’s love is our greatest decision.