My meeting was about to get started. As confident as I was, I knew I was walking in full of fears, uncertainties, and doubts. While I knew at least one in the room would be a friend, I had no idea where he would stand if there were differing views. Others had expressed their agreement with my position however I had no idea if I was simply being told what they thought I wanted to hear. In short, I had no idea what was going to happen. As the doubts continued to push my confidence to the side, I found myself whispering a Psalm; “You aren’t giving up on us, are you, God? refusing to go out with our troops?” (Psalm 108.11)
Looking back on my state of mind while facing another meeting along the same lines, I find myself considering the following whispers.
The life force that sustains our lives is always with us. In our doubts and confidence, in our celebrations and in moments of darkness, a divine presence of Love, Compassion, and Acceptance is living within us. We may not see this force, but it is tangibly real. We may not feel its presence, especially as Evil works its dark magic, but it is present.
Life is always better than we imagine. Even in the best of times, it is better! In the darkest of times, there are reasons to hope and foundations for courage and confidence. Letting our imagination go beyond the boundaries we have set it the first step in see the endless possibilities that exist in every journey.
One of our greatest challenges, especially when we are passionate, is to hear each other. It is gift from one to another that can only be given. In hearing – deeply, openly, and unconditionally – we build a bridge to the future that is accessible to all.
As I look back on the meeting and what emerged, I see new possibilities emerging from my quiet confidence, optimism, and willingness to listen. We are members of a great family. We are on a shared journey.