I am in a politically charged whirlpool. Depending on how one chooses to look at the swirling waters, in any given moment, it could be bad, confusing, or potentially interesting. Just when you think you have a sense of what direction you are going, another unseen push takes you in a new direction. It is mutually confusing and overwhelming. It is also tiring. Knowing what is next is something that one feels more than one knows with certainty.
I have found myself going back to books, advisors, and previous models, looking for an easy (simple) way out. There are so many theories on what one should do, that one risks being overwhelmed by the quest itself. Yet, there are common themes that emerge that resonate with life is pushing me.
Destinations are often within sight. The questions of the moment are many. As one reflects, fears and uncertainties grow, leading to even more questions. In a state of rising doubt, confusion is overwhelming. Yet, in the moment at hand, a mysterious land of perfect decisions (whatever it might be), one can often tell the story of what a good outcome would look like.
One always has more choices than what one can see. In my virtual world, my vision often shrinks into a tunnel view. As I step back into the present, letting freedom be my guide, I find there are always three or more choices available.
The details of how one begins to step towards a perfect destination matter. Exercising our freedom is never about grandiose words. It is about the little stuff in life. One author notes how a prison guard responded to a situation. “The next day we put in at Sidon. Julius treated Paul most decently—let him get off the ship and enjoy the hospitality of his friends there.” (Acts 27.3) Frankly, he got the nuances of how to live compassionately.
In the emerging light of a new day, I can see a perfect world. The individuals think outside themselves, acting to strengthen others. We know why. We are discovering how.