I have a friend who likes to remind me that English football is not real football. No matter who wins or where they stand in the league tables, he scoffs at my attempts to give him the latest update. I first thought it was my choice of teams. Later I discovered after his favorite team Ipswitch made it to the Premiership league that he was still not interest. The fact that they are now in the top ten against all odds is still a minor tidbit that he could take or leave.
I know my friend is not trying to wind me up or ridicule my personal interest. I do like to believe that he is interested in some way, just not like the Yankees, Rangers, or Knicks. I find his comments similar when I bring up other sports which even I admit can be rather slow at times (Cricket for example)!
What do I do though when the facts are what the facts are? English football is more exciting, with a far greater level of competition, and requires far more skills when one compares it objectively to the American game. True is also requires smaller people who are more agile, can think on the fly, and have the ability to dodge flying objects from the fans while the game goes on.
In reality to important things in life, all versions of football pale. I wonder if I think about it enough, much less give these thoughts room to become values and priorities. Is “winning” the only thing that counts in this life? I find myself wondering about my reflections and musings. If I was able to reflect on my soul's values then “I [would] have no interest in giving you a chatty account of my adventures, only the wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me that triggered a believing response among the outsiders.” (Romans 15.18)
I enjoy football, of all kinds. I passionately love God with all that I am. This is the difference for really living. God is everything.