I grew up during a time of rebellion. A fight between ideals and realities. Equality, non-violence, and idealistic communities were aspirations were put to action without thought to personal safety, conformity, or acceptance. Historical patterns of behaviors and social norms were challenged and frequently abandoned. Fast forward fifty plus years and one can see the seeds of that rebellion continuing to show themselves in ways we never imagined.
Looking back, the ideals of diversity, respect, and acceptance are ones that continue to grow. Inclusiveness and acceptance have reached a stage where it feels, at times, that they need to slow down so we can understand how to apply them to the ones that were left behind as well as to the one we are turning away from. The fear of creating a new class of disenfranchised individuals is one that appear ignored. Life reminds me that holistic answers are only answers to historical wrongs.
The one aspect that remains constant, not for the better though, is our struggle to talk with each other in our differences. In my youth it was young versus old, establishment versus those struggling to be recognized. While the description of the two sides has changed, what remains the same is the inability and often unwillingness to hear, understand, and dialogue with someone who holds a different view. Even the way we interact with each other is shapes by perceptions of where that other stands. With me and we are friends. Different from me, ah the stuff of agendas, politics, and anything is ok as long as we get to the destination I want.
In my youth I was labeled as being part of the rebellion. As I age, I still recognize the outsider labels being assigned to many, including myself. To all, I would gently point to beauty, wonder, compassion, and community. They were and are eternal truths that can and should define our lives. They also describe the Divinity I love embracing. Regardless of the gender label used, “He’s God, our God, in charge of the whole earth.” (Psalm 105.7)