It hit Whitney first, Zanzibar food poisoning! Cherry was second and Carli third. As we collectively struggled to make our 6:15 am departure I thought I might escape with just a mild warning. I should have known better. Having slept or been sleep-walking since then I have no idea what has hit me. The irony of it all is the poignant lessons that this throws back in my face after decades of travel, and numerous advisory sessions with first time travelers. Never eat something that you personally peeled or know is cooked. Never eat on dishes that are dripping wet. Avoid dairy products that might not be pasteurized (example – ice cream). There are more but right now I cannot even begin to focus on them.
This actually leads me to the real problem. I was so caught up in the holiday experience that I lost track of the very values that I hold true. Unless I hold onto these, nothing else matters. I can be miserable away from God just as easily as I can be temporarily ecstatic. Either drift will result in an erosion of my foundation of commitment and truth. John records the words that speak to the issue. “In the same way that the fully alive Father sent me here and I live because of him, so the one who makes a meal of me lives because of me.” (John 6.57)
It is easy to admit I am miserable. In this state turning to Divinity for healing, mercy, and restoration is easy. There are two aspects that cause me to fear for the future. Being miserable reminds me what is as stake, life. Each time I turn away I put my life as well as those that depend on me at risk. What is even scarier is my willingness to let the excitement of the moment draw me away from the principles I hold true.
The challenge is to let go of yesterday and tomorrow and to live fully and completely in this moment of grace. This is a foundation available to everyone.
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