Periodically, I like to refresh my framework on how I see life. Experience reminds me that it is good to take a fresh look at my paradigm before it becomes stale and less relevant. When I do this, I rediscover that what I thought was useful is dated. Assumptions are no longer relevant. Facts have changed. Needs are different. My rediscovery is a blunt reminder that new thinking is required! Within me, an updated framework gives me a chance to see life differently than I have been.
As I sat in a coffee shop that was placed in the middle of a boutique clothing shop, I realised it was a model for someone’s mind. There were no rigid boundaries. Spiritual and physical mixed up with overlaps everywhere. Quiet writing, nursing a cup of coffee, juxtaposed with people pulling things off the rack and sharing their thoughts. Everything is mixed up in a wonderfully weird, kind of organic, and yet still natural way.
Taking control of one’s life is a good idea. In contrast, the person next to me paused, stood up, and left. His notebook was just there. I knew it was his. The barista must know that it was his. I have no idea where he went. After a time, someone I had not seen before, sat down and started using the notebook. The barista looked on, silently observing. I had no idea what was going on. As time passed, I felt like an echo of an old observation; “I readily admit that the Jews are impressively energetic regarding God – but they are doing everything exactly backwards.” (Romans 10.2)
Letting go of the past and opening oneself to the present will lead to new perspectives. I enjoyed the break. I finished an overdue piece of writing. My thoughts opened themselves to new ideas, partially because of the setting and events. The results were a creative surprise. I find myself looking at a new day with a desire to recreate the experience.
Thoughts are never the end. they are the beginning that leads to action.