“All you who fear God, how blessed you are!” Psalm 128.1
Halloween is not a big scare night for me. Horror movies do not hold much attraction since I see so much destruction in day to day living. On the other hand, certain things do raise my fear factor. An American driving in England, my own driving in Paris just after arriving from England, being in Harlem without someone local at your side, and God.
In every situation there is stuff going on beyond your control, new elements coming in from nowhere, and a total inability to understand the future! Everything operates without guidance and plan. Players live with no idea of which side anyone is on. Fear of the present, future, of self, and precious things around you all drive the emotional stake.
Old cliches are here. “No Fear”. “Fear God and live!” “Fear is the first step to success”. Do any of these make sense or does it reflect our need for an emotional roller coaster ride?
Fear, if limited to being frightened, is, in day to day living a negative motivator. I do not believe that anyone improves the quality of life, contributes to the welfare of those around them, or does anything else positive over a stretch of time if motivated by fear. So where does this leave us with God?
Does being frightened of God make sense? Yes, yes, and yes! Should we be afraid of God? No.
God frightens me but does not scare me. God is awesome, incredible, frightening, powerful, and unfathomable. Nothing in how I look at God is negative. However, it was not always this way and I still do not consistently see God this way! The key is how we understand what we see.
God is the creator of the universe, but he is also our Father and Friend. Yes, He gets angry, yet His love, grace, and acceptance are unconditional and unchangeable. Yes, He destroys evil and He loves human beings because He is also incapable of doing anything else. God is on your side!