You would love it! The band was howling, the audience standing on their feet, the words were powerful, and miracles were happening in people’s lives. The night was complete except for one thing; you were not here being part of the experience.
Wrapping up, preparing to leave, knowing that things are almost over and will never be complete, is something that is difficult even for the veterans. Every year we start off a bit slow and tentative, almost like we are wondering if it is possible to experience God’s presence and what it is like to worship with people we do not really think we know. If only we knew what God can and will do with people who love him.
The week builds, people spending time with each other expressing their praise and thanksgiving, working on difficult subjects together in their way, and struggling to understand what is really happening. Control always creeps into the leadership groups; are we in control, should we be, or do we just need to get out of the way. This year the leadership just got out of the way and let God work.
Everything came together. We laughed and cried together. We clapped, raised our hands, and danced together. We whispered and screamed our thoughts, hopes, and thank-you together. In spite of our differences, diversity, backgrounds, and journeys, we worshipped God in the strongest spirit of unity that I know of.
Everything was and is complete except for one, you. I really missed sharing this experience with you. I know that “before it’s all over, there will be a complete Israel” (Romans 11.25) and you will be a part of it, but it is hard to go through this without you. It is hard to know what to do about this so I left the subject with God. I gave him my hopes and dreams, my wishes and desires. I lifted them up in faith that He will wrap his arms around you tight and give you the best life.
God is exceptionally good news for you and I.