Disasters can occur at any, possible every corner. It is as if life knows the cruelest moments in which to strike. Getting comfortable? Be prepared – a disaster is about to happen. Resting easy? Things could change – be ready. Walking with certainty? Ah, that will change at any moment!
The unknown, never anticipate, and couldn’t imagine are far better friends to you and me than we realize. It small ways it happens everyday. A surprise band shows up at a local venue when you least expect it. An opportunity to help materializes when your senses are on autopilot. It becomes one of those things you look back on like a dream. You were clearly totally unaware that anything like this could ever be going on, because you did nothing. Even friends turn in ways you did not anticipate.
It seems that one needs to take an old politician’s advice; trust everyone but always verify.
The question in a life completely and totally unpredictable is this; do I trust anyone? Do I really know what I am holding onto? Can I ride the waves and turn the uncertainty into a unending series of opportunities?
I find there are two things which help. First, I must always remember, recall, and reflect on how God is on your side and mine. The commitment hasn’t changed. Divinity has always been present, ready to help. Even after repeated failures, which sound very familiar to me, a historian noted that “God will have compassion on Jacob. Once again he'll choose Israel. He'll establish them in their own country. Outsiders will be attracted and throw their lot in with Jacob.” (Isaiah 14.1)
Second, it is critical to live, breathe, and understand the fact of what happens in every moment; You, I have the freedom to choose. No matter how unprepared, shocked, or surprised – we still retain the right and obligation to make a choice. In every decision I can exercise compassion. In every encounter I can accept the other just as he or she is. In every moment I can choose good times.
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