There are many different paths going in and out of our small Swiss village. While most are walking, some are designating for mountain biking and other purposes. I was reminded that not all paths get to the same destination. It is good to listen to the wisdom of local guides and signs.
Specifically, mountain bike paths often take a longer route, specifically designed to give the rider an experience. This includes strenuous climbs and great hills, views from great vistas, and enough of a challenge that it is not over before it begins. On the other hand, the walking paths are more direct, offer good views but not the extremes, and are tailored to those that trek as well as those who are newcomers to the whole experience.
There is a special path between Gotenbad and Goten, known as the “barfussweg”. The guides suggest that one should walk this path without shoes of any kind. Along the way, you are invited to experience lush green meadows, wood chips, soft peat moss, and even some seriously deep mud! They even provide a watering trough to wash your legs along the way. It is incredible.
As I look back, I am struck by what can happen when one listens to the guidance from those that know. When wisdom fathers said that, “We'll write them a letter and tell them, ‘Be careful to not get involved in activities connected with idols, to guard the morality of sex and marriage, to not serve food offensive to Jewish Christians—blood, for instance.’” (Acts 15.20) It was good advice, then and now.
The world can be cruel, dangerous, and filled with the unknown. I had never heard of a barfussweg path before. If Melissa had not shared the invitation, we would have had no idea that this experience was waiting to be had. I walk away with a bit of mud between my toes, wiser and richer for the experience. There will be invitations to experience something more today. I want to be ready, open, and available to what the Spirit will suggest.
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