The four teddy bears are unlike anything I have seen except in a store display. It is hard to imagine who would give these to a young child, especially with the high probability that they would be in pieces sooner rather than later. As it was, I found myself enjoying their company from a distance, their hard, bold exteriors tempered by the reflections they created within me.
With the likelihood that each was intended for the child trapped in an adult’s body, the whispers found in yesterday’s quiet moment continue to occupy my mind as a new day begins. Yes, they are hard, bold, and even brittle. They are also artistic statements that invoke a sense of warmth, belonging, and community. In the reflection, I have given each a familiar name of my own. I can hear their voices and the sense of endless possibilities they represent.
Voices are gifts in our lives. When expressed as music, one is transported into the artist’s story. It can be soaring, soothing, jarring, uplifting, challenging, and anthem-like. There are performances that bring every possibility to one’s heart and soul at the same time! The fact that we can hear the expressions of others opens a door to seeing the world differently.
Expressions come in many forms. I often catch myself filtering out the ones that I do not like in the moment. When I open myself up to all that is coming, I discover helpful gems that support, inspire, and yes, at times, correct. In the tough moments of trying to listen, I find myself recalling Paul’s clarifying explanation; “So, my dear friends, don’t take my rather bold and blunt language as criticism. It’s not criticism. I’m simply underlining how very much I need your help in carrying out this highly focused assignment God gave me.” (Romans 15.15)
Hearts are touched in many ways. When I let myself embrace the four bears, I found myself smiling and remembering. It was good to be assured. It was comforting to have an unconditional friend.
Life is full of possibilities.