Every year I find myself remembering every nuance of being twenty-three, single, and working in San Francisco. I close my eyes and I am sitting in the Marina studio apartment with two alcoves. There was a small kitchen on the south, and just enough room for a queen-size bed on the north. The fog was always there – changing our competitive softball games, wrapping everything up in the late afternoons, and greeting the world each morning. I never remember the City without remembering a telephone call at 11 p.m. on Valentine's Day that changed my life forever.
Cherry and I first spoke today, 22 years ago. The conversations, romance, love, and the decision to become life long partners are things I treasure. I cannot really remember not being in love with her; I know there was a time, so I try to remember the end of the old and the beginning of the new.
For two years, there is a second reason that I remember. Two years ago I answered the question of how deep was my commitment to God. I had discovered the importance of God to me just before I met Cherry. Over the years, the strength of both relationships grew. Sometime along the way I faced the question; do you really love Cherry or it is just something that is easy? I am not sure when but I know with absolute certainty that Cherry is my heart. The question of loving God did not surface for much longer.
Almost three years ago I began a struggle to answer a question. “How passionately do you want God?” When I answered yes, with all my heart, soul, and everything that I am; totally and without any reservation! My heart of hearts was complete.
I cannot have this experience for you. I can tell you the God of Wisdom is awesome! “Her manner is beautiful, her life wonderfully complete. She's the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Hold her tight – and be blessed!” (Proverbs 3.17,18)
Reach out; She is reaching for you.