It is hard to know if you can believe politicians. If one does then one often assumes governments in any country are too big to manage, people hanging onto power are inherently corrupt, and the system of voting every few years is far too slow to control behavior. The link between belief and skepticism exists because of the human need for power, glory, and control. Those who start with incredible platforms, idealistic views, and bleeding hearts quickly move towards the spotlight that shines on his or her person, deeds, and the power surrounding both. It is as if their hearts were never in the right place, the intent of their life was never honorable, and the connection between the two never met reality.
The phenomenon of those in power isn’t new. I would suggest it has reached new heights. You can watch the corruption, spin, lack of results in almost any location at any level. It happens inside corporation, across government, and even within families. It is as if the problem lies in our need to look good, if only to ourselves! The problem with the heart is so pervasive we have come to assume that this is the only way things can be. It is as if we have both given up and adopted a personal view of everyone else in the same step.
Sadly the connection between black heart and serious living has and continues to be reinforced with time. Even in history the accusations about Jesus were being made by those refusing to see what was going on. His response was and is authentic.
“I am not trying to get anything for myself. God intends something gloriously grand here and is making the decisions that will bring it about.” (John 8.50)
I know the link from my own heart to the reality of those I touch often mirrors British politics but it doesn’t need to stay that way. I have an advantage. I long for God. I know there is a fresh choice to be made. I am willing to make it, today.
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