There is an amazing opportunity. Metaphorically, it is a unique business opportunity to climb Mount Everest. The cynic will argue that it is mission impossible. Deadlines are too short, expectations too high, and the gaps to be solved between now and then far too great for anyone to accomplish. The opportunist counters with the argument of unique opportunities; windows where one can contribute as significantly as this one are few and far between. Strictly speaking, most do not see even one in their lifetime!
As I listen to the conversation I am not sure what strikes my heart the most deeply. Is it my limitations and the potential of failure? Is it the potential threat to my heart priorities? Each is a valid reason to pause and consider the risks that will come with the choice.
To anyone in a similar situation, I would offer the following observations.
There is no single answer. There are a range of answers and steps to clarify, focus, and sharpen the decision at hand. While we like simple and direct, the challenge is to focus on the immediate step and the ultimate destination. Think three ahead but focus on the next one! There is a decision to be made. Simple and direct is best seen from a mirror looking backwards.
Start with your heart and let the mind inform. I love the psalmist advice which lingers on; “Give me a bent for your words of wisdom, and not for piling up loot.” (Psalm 119.36) Inform the heart. Give the heart space to reflect and consider. Be intention and never force the heart to move where it does not want to go.
Let your steps be clear, your words be true, and always hold onto the priorities of your heart. One step at a time. Maintain one’s focus on the destination and dream. Abide in the heart of compassion, love, and community. May Divinity always be your compass and guide.
The story is not yet complete. There are words to be written, chapters to complete, and new ones to begin.