His response made all the difference. The message in the box said we needed a critical part to complete the installation. The problem was that the part was nowhere on the counter or in the box! First, we searched the immediate area. Then, we combed the parts catalog, and finally the service rep placed a call to the factory and eventually the parts line product manager. Everyone was searching for the answers to our dilemma. Hope was always there because people were pursuing the answers with an intensity one does not often find in an auto parts store.
After a short period of searching without us on the telephone, the call came back from the product manager. Yes, the warning slip is in every box. No, the warning does not apply to you or this particular part.
There is an intensity and urgency in our quests to know God. We carry a thirst that is not often satisfied. We often tend to lose hope because the quest seems illusive. We become discouraged because of the daily battering we get from life and the journey towards God often seems like a solitary one.
I admired and appreciated the fact that the service rep would not let go of the problem. His efforts and attitude carried a hope that reduced my potential fear, frustration, and anger. He owned the problem until everything he could do was complete.
I passionately want to know and experience God. I sense a thirst within that I cannot consider quenched until my experience with God is complete and ongoing. The good news is that “with the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that [yours and my] fateful dilemma is resolved.” (Romans 8.1)
We have a partner on this journey and it is God himself. God the father worked it out in advance. Jesus took care of my past, present, and future mistakes and failures. The Presence of God became my companion to guide and direct. The remaining steps begin with our repeating decisions.
How passionately do you and I want to know, experience God?