As long as I can remember my mother has expressed concern over the pace of my life. I was in boarding schools at a very young age, essentially before I hit puberty, but I remember even at that time. As I have gotten older the stridency in the words has soften, replace by the genuine concern and a friend.
I watch those younger and eager for life falling into the same trap. It is as if a subtle spider with the name of Live Life to the Full continues to spin a death trap. The trap is mesmerizing! I need to live life. I have work that should be complete. There are people to help, things to do, and places to go. Great and questionable motives mix in a swirl that dazzles the mind. Life swirls at a rate that none of us fully see or comprehend. Do we realize that the warning lights are on?
At a certain age, my father played a game on my brothers and I. He would get us focused on an event outside of the car as we drove through the night. He, under the guise of passing on a key piece of information that would help us grown, would share that the car had a special sensor triggered by the event just identified. As we drove on the blue indicator for bright headlights would flash on and off in a secret rhythm triggered by the external. It was our challenge to anticipate the event and understand what sensor drove this blue light that periodically flashed on and then off, which he cheerfully and blissfully called an idiot light. Never the quickest, it was up to us to discover the real story. By the time we got to the youngest, Rich and I were active participants in the fun.
Though I remember the events with a laugh, I wonder about the sign linked to spider’s web. I see a warning; “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.” (Romans 12.11) This idiot light is one I need to watch.