Ignorance, an utter lack of knowledge or awareness, can shape and drive behavior in ways difficult to understand. If is as if the ignorance masks itself as an embedded belief wrapped with confidence, pride, and a touch of arrogance. When ignorance has a home very little can dislodge the attitude and facts because any change requires a decision to consider and then accept. When ignorance has been resident for long periods of time it strengthens and solidifies in ways that shows itself as belief founded in truth.
I used to think ignorance was the treasure of the poor and uneducated. With time, more accurately because dialogue with those who had little in formal education or economic buying power yet were rich in life, living, and God, I came to realize how idiotic my views were. When I look now at those struggling on the fringes of life I tend to assume the best! It is they who see themselves for who and what they are. It is they who understand the truly important priorities of life. It is they who can see where opportunities exist to make a different. It is they who are the real teachers for the next generation. Even with this knowledge I often choose not to listen, understand, and grow.
Years ago Jesus said something that didn’t make sense. Rather than explore, listen with the intent of learning, and remaining open, the choice of many was to remain ignorant. They words echo as my own in many situations. “Now we know you're crazy. Abraham died. The prophets died. And you show up saying, ‘If you practice what I'm telling you, you'll never have to face death, not even a taste.’ Are you greater than Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Who do you think you are!” (John 8.52. 53)
I want to scream, “That’s right! Who do you think you are God?”
Even before my mouth moves the Spirit whispers, “I am the one who Loves, I am the one who recreates, I am the one living so you may live.”
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