I wish one of my talents was languages. I treasure the ability to communicate. The art of using the language and culture of my audience, ahhhh, that is a gift I wish I had!
As I listened to another speak in the native language of the region, I found myself awed. There was so much in this conversation that went beyond the mere words! It was the closeness to others which comes from being a part of the community. It was the way of expressing ideas, sharing from the heart which comes when one is using the language of the soul. It was the communication between the words and sentences which told a much larger story.
“How good is his voice – accent, vocab, and overall conversation?”
“Accent wise, he is perfect! It is a conversation which could occur with anyone on the street. There is one twist. He has been away, so in many ways it is as if I am listening to a hippie from times gone by. His words and metaphors are ones we used to use. It is fun to talk with him. You can hear his vocabulary growing with each conversation.”
There was something magical going on in the conversation where I did not understand a word. The lessons have stayed with me and resurfaced today in a new dialogue.
Hearing with an open mind creates new possibilities. It would be natural to presume demographic markers carried into the words used. When I hear a person from their heart to mine, anything is possible.
Illustrations have context and meaning when can transcend time if the listener is willing to go along for the ride. There is an opportunity within the psalmist’s words, “Your wife will bear children as a vine bears grapes, your household lush as a vineyard. The children around your table as fresh and promising as young olive shoots.” (Psalm 128.3) Reflection and listening are opportunity doorways.
My day starts with a reminder; conversations are limited if I do not openly engage with my heart as well as my head.