I am not sure what pictures of the people working around me I actually carried away from my childhood. I do recall snapshots of people trying to get a free ride, looking for an easy handout, and individuals who were, on the whole, rather lazy. I also remember people who were totally the opposite. They were always working, trying to get even with life, and support their families. The contrast, even then, was startling.
I often wonder what became of the images. Were they accurate to start with? Did my fears come true about their future? Were the pictures so vivid that they became an embedded fear in my psyche?
The proverb is rather blunt; “a nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit bad, take it easy – do you know what comes next? Just this; you can look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!” (Proverbs 6.10,11)
I did not know about the proverb at the beginning of this long running picture show, and it now confirms my worst fears. Part of the challenge that it leaves me with is “what should I do about it”. Is this a dictate for self-sufficiency? Am I being warned that unless never take a nap, never rest, never have a vacation I am doomed to a life of misery?
There are those who would want me to believe all my worst fears! However, the God I know is quite different. I know a God is will hold me accountable for how I spend my time. I share a relationship with a God who is looking for me to do my part while He does his.
Images are always interesting. They can inspire, cause fear, drive one to action, and create landscapes that may or may not be real. The only answer comes to each by spending time in His word, seeking His voice, and living out a life of faith and trust.
God’s image may be many things; however, it always includes compassion, rich relationships, mutual interdependence, and real living.