It is often hard to imagine what is not, at least in some realms. For the uninitiated, seeing a car travel at three hundred miles an hour within a quarter mile would be beyond possible. On most weekends, somewhere in the USA there are professional men and women doing just that. For those bathed in religious conflict, it is hard to imagine a community of divergent faiths gathering where everyone is seeking to learn from the other. Hard to imagine, yet it is a growing reality in New York City. Given the visible greed found in most directions one might look, meeting and talking with someone dedicated to others is hard to imagine. Yet, individuals like this do exist.
I find myself accepting the impossible when it is an extension of human ingenuity. Improved technology, new frameworks, and pushing the limits of human endurance are all within the scope of my imagination. I am often surprised, but it is easy to accept and to believe. For reasons I do not always understand, there is a roadblock when my imagination is tugged by the spiritual and the relational. Could God really act without limits? Is God ever bound to preset frameworks? Why would God save those that cannot be saved?
It is good to remember that God has surprised many across the ages. Candidly, God “did promise to give the country to him and his son later on, even though Abraham had no son at the time.” (Acts 7.5) God also went on to saved a father that murdered his own sons and daughters. God loved a man who turned a temple into a brothel. God loves because of who and what Divinity is, not because of who and what we are.
As the dawn breaks, I find myself struggling with the impossible. The walls are too high. The barriers are too great. The gaps are far too large. If I try to do it myself, I know I will fail. With God, who knows? Today, anything is possible; imagination to faith to the moment of choice.
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