In the war on terror, some would like us to believe we are sacrificing our freedoms, paying additional taxes, and even sending our sons and daughters to die in battle in order to eliminate the threat. Please do not interpret my words as condoning terrorist activity or suggesting that we cannot or should not do anything, rather it is my confusion on what happens at the end of the current efforts. Will we be any safer than we were before 9-11? Can we rest easy with an immunity covering our children and those we love? Is there something magical coming as a result of our efforts and sacrifices today?
Life today has a painful background touching the rich and poor, formally educated as well as those who are not, healthy and less so. One might think that those close to Divinity might gain some degree of protection but even “the same Mary who massaged the Lord's feet with aromatic oils and then wiped them with her hair. It was her brother Lazarus who was sick.” (John 11.2) In every direction where one is willing to be aware there are those who are sick, dealing with overwhelming pain, grabbling with how to fight injustice, confused by exploitation, and ultimately the unfathomable presence of death. It should be clear that no one is immune.
For some the lack of immunity is the ultimate depressant. At times I to find the awareness of evil debilitating, yet there is something that always comes into view; God’s unlimited compassion and gift of hope. Yes, Evil abounds, but Love abounds even more. Yes, pain seems omni-presence, but Compassion has won a victory and ultimately the conflict is decided. Yes, humans can be incredibly violent to their brothers and sisters, yet you and I have an opportunity to bring real healing.
It is in our opportunities to make a difference that I find hope. We have God living within us! We can be a rod of healing. We can be vessels full compassion. Our lives can be a gift to those around us.
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