Communities are at the heart of living engaged. Small, medium, large, complex, and simple – each has a role in how we experience the journey of being human. Life often reminds us that our deepest experiences are rooted in relationship to the other. Our souls thirst to for acceptance and a sense of belonging. As core as this is to our being, we live with a contradiction. Unconditional inclusiveness does not seem natural. It is easy to include others that agree with us and make us feel better. When others are different, ah, doubts and barriers quietly emerge.
Recent news suggests communities everywhere struggle with living out their highest aspirations. Being inclusive is not easy. It requires a willingness to hold everyone accountable for the times when breaks occur. Inclusiveness takes intentional commitment. The seasons of celebration during the year invite us to reach for our best. Hope, forgiveness, compassion, rebirth, and above all the gift of giving weave in and out of our collective experience. The best in us wants and hopes that everyone is able to experience life’s best.
We hold an invitation to be a positive difference in our day. From the way we see our ideals, to celebrations, and through the small decisions we make when nobody is watching – we choose how open we are to others joining us in reaching for Life’s best. I hope I can embrace an observation left with us across the ages; “Our Master Jesus has his arms wide open for you.” (1 Corinthians 16.23)
I have no idea how this invitation will play out in your life. My hope is that you will see the day and an opportunity. We can be an instigator, starting with accepting ourselves unconditionally.
I am encouraged to see and experience a sense of belonging. Each moment is a reminder of what you and I can do for others. The key rests in our freedom and the power to choose. We have it. We can use it at will. We can be the difference. Our choice will bring others into community.