“You should try our bread.”
“I think you will be surprised. Give it a try.”
I accepted the invitation and gave it a try. First one slice, then another. With this foundation, I accessed their website and ordered two loves to be delivered to my address. I was reminded, again by experience, that some things do not change. As I enjoyed a slice this morning, I read the note on the tag, informing me again of the formula that was true yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow.
When I look at life’s components, the priceless gifts of life are constant. Candidly, at their core, they are not changing. Relationships based on love last a lifetime. When I see Divinity beyond the wrapping society likes to put her in, I see that “Jesus doesn’t change – yesterday, today, tomorrow, he’s always totally himself.” (Hebrews 13.8) When I see beauty, in old forms and new, I am renewed. Awe comes with hope. In rediscovering the essentials, I find myself returning to what was good then and is good now.
More may be through less. It is far too easy for me to get caught up in buzz words, consultant speak, and new ways of describing the basics. I love the simplicity I found in the bread. Easy to understand how it is made. An eating experience that stands tall in the face of the commercial alternatives. I feel satisfaction and energy as my heart, soul, and body consume it for my use. When I let go of the extras and focus on the fundamental core, simplicity returns, understanding grows, and I stand on a foundation that helps me step forward with energy and confidence.
In learning from others, I open a door to guidance. I have an opportunity to learn and share, change and be changed. Curiosity and openness are windows through which truth and compassion can touch my heart. What follows is a natural process of new understanding followed by insights into how this can be used.
Being informed is an invitation to today’s action.