In the process of getting an echocardiogram recently, I found myself attending a first-year med school lab. At each step, I was briefed on what would happen next and why. As the step unfolded, measurements were taken, observations made, and sounds analyzed. I listened to a running narrative of facts, figures, and explanation of what was being done and how the particular action fit within the overall story. I was encouraged to watch, listen, and ask question.
Initially, the Doctor’s approach was a bit unnerving. While I am used to doctors answering questions, it was unusual to be part of a teaching experience. Once I discovered I was the student audience, I got into the process by listening, asking questions, and even challenging based on what I was seeing and hearing.
As we neared the end of the procedure, the Doctor shared his analysis with me, caveating that he would do a formal write-up with the next 24-hours. In the flow of the moment, everything made sense. I understood his words and his conclusions reflected the details I had witnessed and experienced.
As I considered his report days later, I found myself in a Life directed lesson. If knowing the details reshaped my view of the conclusions and what followed, was I missing a step in presuming I understood the details of Divine love?
I am not the first to see the link. A psalmist left us with his words of surprise; “Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139.13). In context, there is much more which followed. Because of the context and outcomes, I found myself rethinking my understanding of how Divinity speaks of me.
In this experience, I rediscovered a divine design to my being. A design mirroring Divinity’s passion for living. I was born with a thirst to be in relationship. In exercising what I was created to be and do, I become stronger and more like Divinity.
Listening and watching my heart was a lesson in gratitude (Divine design) and connection.