One could or should have seen it coming. They had been disengaging for weeks. The traditional intensity, passion, and push were missing – it was as if you could already see it in their eyes. The pending failure to act was just a matter of time. Anticipating that a wreck was imminent was not the challenge, just when, were, and who. When things broke people were hurt, lives forever impacted, and I say wondering what I could and should have done.
“Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know — someone not impressed with weak excuses.” (Proverbs 24.11, 12)
One could have seen it coming. Jim had seized the opportunity. He did not complain that he was being exploited, he was just glad to have a job and the setting to contribute. As the one leading the exploiting my eyes were closed to everything but the immediate goals. Push hard here, stretch out there, and above reach, reach high for the ring. In hindsight disaster was just a matter of time. Something had to give; things couldn’t continue the way they were. When I got the call very early on the Saturday morning my natural defenses were still sleeping. The shock of a heart and life giving out was forever etched on my soul. Many things could and should have been done a long time before that moment.
Some will suggest that when you or I fail to respond to an opportunity that the gods record the failure and wait for retribution. Beyond not finding that attribute in my God, I find that there is someone who sees it all and is not impressed with weak excuses. Your soul sees it and so does mine. We know; we understand just how simple the first steps to making a difference, lending a hand, and expression compassion can be. One step; simple and yet so very difficult.
People everywhere in need. What will I do?