When I step off a plane into India’s land, atmosphere, and experience I find myself opening up to new insights and experiences. The fact that India is completely different from my ordinary life helps. In exchange to the gray, wet, and often cool English mornings I find myself waking up to bright sun, blossoming flowers, and green everywhere I look. The monotone experience of what becomes normal, traditional, and comfortable is replaced by uncertainty, chaos, and new discoveries. Some find the experience uncomfortable, difficult and stressful. I experience just the opposite.
I wonder what allows me to be open to ideas in a place like this. There are those in my life who stretch my ways of seeing ideas, looking at the future, and life itself. When someone takes me to a place where I see things differently I find myself with a priceless gift. Without this gift I would have been left in yesterday, struggling with old views, paradigms, and issues. As I open myself to the gift I find myself walking into insights full of hope, new vistas, and paths to the future.
The process is not always easy. In fact some of the questions initially seem puzzling at best. When someone utters the words “are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in daylight doesn't stumble because there's plenty of light from the sun. Walking at night, he might very well stumble because he can't see where he's going.” (John 11.9, 10) What are they trying to tell me? Am I willing to ask? Would I seriously examine the norm? Could I give up previously held positions given the work I put into getting there?
When I open myself up to the possibility of new insights life takes on a very different set of colors, textures, and patterns. The question I find myself facing every morning is simple. Will I open myself up to God’s insights today? Am I willing to see things differently than yesterday? Can I left go of my previous positions? In summary; will I accept God’s gift?
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