Life often seems like sailing blind. We think we are powerless. Obviously we haven’t paid attention to the exploits of those truly blind. We believe we are locked on the path we find ourselves. Clearly the reality of living in the present hasn’t sunk in. We accept the status quo, while wonder why we have to live with the leaders we have. It is as if our minds are wearing blinders. Nothing different is possible. Everything is set in motion, out of reach, unchangeable by mortal man. Life is locked.
Life is as open, flexible, and changeable as we want it to be. We are not stuck in the ruts. We don’t have to live with what is. We are holding hope within ourselves. Everything is possible.
Yet the reality is “skinny kids terrorize my people. Silly girls bully them around. My dear people! Your leaders are taking you down a blind alley. They're sending you off on a wild goose chase.” (Isaiah 3.12) We have accepted the unacceptable. We, I have given up the very choice that makes me unique and human.
Life is like sailing blind. We cannot see what we cannot see. We operate within the limits of the senses we know. With these limitations some want to give up, yet we have the tools, ability, and choice of moving in new ways.
Blind sailors continue to navigate waters I wouldn’t even consider sailing in with eyes wide open. Blind musicians continue to make beauty, inspiring, and awesome music, transporting the soul to places beyond imagination. It is as if by being blind they can see, really see life.
One can share stories of those “deprived” of one or more of their senses. The point rests in the example of individuals using their abilities to the fullest extend possible. Ironically you and I function most of the time handicapped by choice. Today can be different! We can accept the gifts Divinity has and continues to give us. Everything is possible. Anything can happen. Our choices and what follows will witness to all.
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