Some people believe you must leave your mind at the door when you step into God’s presence. It’s as if you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind in order to be in relationship with Divinity. I find this hard to comprehend. Our God is the ultimate power in the universe. Divinity has had a hand in creation here and way beyond our farthest destination our imagination can take us. This is an incredibly knowledgeable, complex yet simple, awesome and beautiful being. Whatever I consider God to be – Divinity is greater, bigger, and beyond. Given this why would God be intimately engaged with a creature that was deaf, dumb, and blind? What could possibly bring God to invest so much in our recreation?
The answer is as obvious as it is amazing. God treasures the creativity we bring, the possibilities found in the freedom we were created with, and the growth our minds offer. We are invited to be partners with God, which requires us to think and act intelligently. We are considered God’s kids, obvious growing more and more to be like our Father and Mother. We are considered, by God, to be friends and companions, and God does not suffer fools lightly. We are who and what we are because of our minds. The color and texture of our lives is best described by the decisions, choices, and actions we take. Everything based on freedom and the intelligence we exercise.
The process doesn’t just stop with our self. We are part of a community. It is our job to be aware. In times of danger, “the Master told me, ‘Go, post a lookout. Have him report whatever he spots. When he sees horses and wagons in battle formation, lines of donkeys and columns of camels, tell him to keep his ear to the ground, note every whisper, every rumor.’” (Isaiah 21.6, 7) In times of peace, the Master instructs us to be engaged! Life isn’t about isolation; it is about community and our actions within it. You and I have minds; let’s be intelligent.
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