Two years ago, about this time, I found out that the firm I worked for was going to receive an award for “tech intensity”. As I reflect with the benefit of time, it is hard to believe how much was accomplished in such a short period of time. One might assume it was perfect. I see it as messy, chaotic, and exciting.
The lessons which followed the experience have made me a better person. I also see the challenges then and now quite differently. The teaching which I find myself carrying into a new chapter include the following.
Intensity comes with a why. It is hard to be committed to anything when one does not understand the reasoning and purpose. At a minimum, one must know, believe in, and be committed to the why. I was fortunate to have others, inside and outside the company, who also believed. It the collective, intensity emerged.
Intensity cannot be sustained without harmony. There are times when the intensity does not immediate break a fragile situation, however with time, the break will inevitably come. The importance of the role harmony plays within sustained intensity cannot be overestimated. It is critical to find and nurture harmony if the intensity is going to go beyond its initial burst.
Principles and discipline will naturally increase intensity. Teams in every arena find a sweet spot where well-defined principles and consistency raise the level of the intensity in competing and striving. In life, it is more than a one-time occurrence. It is a journey which never ends. It is a pursuit of something which can always be greater in the best kinds of ways.
As I reflect while looking forward, I see a consistency of purpose, a calling to act for a just cause. This is amplified by harmony, consistency, and a commitment to do something good for others. I believe there is an opportunity for everyone to do something for good. The examples are be found in our lives when we look. “Thank God, who did it all! His love never quits!” (Psalm 136.26)