Spring is on the way. In my life, it is a time of spiritual seasons, birthdays, and new chapters. I am reminded of Ramadan and its importance to many. Signs are up, advertisements hit of what is to come, and preparations are underway. Even as an observer, one is drawn into the time of reflection, commitment, and renewal. With several birthdays coming soon, I sense a calling of reflection, renewal, and hope. As external as these events are, everything begins as I recognise and absorb the interior events of the seasons.
Life begins within, then with others. Everything in my life starts within me and then moves outwards to include family, friends, and community. Awareness comes before storytelling. One’s recognition and reflection before the celebration. Living and restoration leading the way to new chapters. I began my life with my births, authored by others. From that experience and the following growth, I began to form the relationships that made me whole. When I misstep, I realise I have forgotten to care for my heart and soul so that I create a foundation for caring for others.
Life continues through relationships. In seeing myself and my life through the eyes of my community, I open myself up and into the larger story that I am a part of. Life was never about me, as precious and vital as I might be. I find Life’s definition and meaning through the relationships in my life, starting with Divinity and moving beyond. It shows up in small ways, such as one writer’s note of what could happen in the future; “You’ll be glad to know that Timothy has been let out of prison. If he leaves soon, I’ll come with him and get to see you myself.” (Hebrews 13.23). It also reveals itself with our decisions on long-term relationships, commitments, and where we focus our time and energies.
When I want to know my future, I look inside. When I want to change my future, I start inside. Today begins inside, so I will be ready for what’s outside.