How does one get introduced?
When I think of great introductions I think of politician’s at their prime, actors riding a crest of an emotional wave, and people who care about each other. There is little to connect the three emotional lakes, yet anytime we try to move or change we can use introductions. The struggle to do it all on your own is far too great for most of us; a hand from a friend, colleague, and someone knowing the audience and environment always helps. The assist can make the difference between success and failure.
Right now everything is changing for the family. “Home” is no longer Santana in Walton on Thames; I’m not sure exactly where we “feel” home is but practically it is a new, yet unlived in, almost finished but not quite location in Redlands. It is hard to know how to get and make the introductions. There are far too many to manage! Whitney is out on her own, walking into the unknown of a different high school with its own culture, history, and tradition. Carli is finding the heart of home in family, yet sense the lost of her deep roots in Surrey. Cherry is happy to be back “home” but it sure doesn’t feel that way. I’m not sure what is going on! Are intros in order or do I continue to build on the fragments which exists from years ago?
I do know that introductions are just the beginning. They are critical but they are not the destination. Far too many intros are taken as face value. When “Jesus came out [from a beating] wearing the thorn crown and purple robe. Pilate announced, ‘Here he is: the Man.’” (John 19.5) This was no introduction it was a set-up!
As a new day dawns I am not the only one looking for an intro. Compassion, mercy, and acceptance are strangers to many people’s lives. They need introductions! We, yes, you and I, can be the ones to begin the process. This isn’t the end but it is a step.
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