There are points in my life that I rarely willingly choose to think about. The spring of 1991 is one; when the impact of an employer not honoring our contract reached deep into my life, claiming all but the last few hundred dollars from every form of savings and liquidity that I owned. The summer of 2008 is another, when the combination of intense work conflicts with my partner and a diagnosis of a brain tumor led to a period of darkness and uncertainty. In these times and others, there are dates that followed where Hope began to trump over the negative
I recommend talking stock. Even when I am in another low, it helps to know that Hope and Opportunity are always nearby, wanting to be part of our lives. I continue to find three mantras help me know where they are.
When life seems to have no options, the way forward seems to be bad and even worse, keep searching for the other alternatives. They are there. They may be hiding, they may be difficult to see. Every choice in life has three or more alternatives in the answer.
When Life or others look like they have taken over your life, use the freedom that is within you to take control. You and I always have a choice. We decide. It may be painful. There may be consequences. The choices may be ugly. Regardless, we get to choose. If we have delegated this, we can take it back. Freedom and choice are fundamental gifts God gives each.
Be honest with yourself about the present. I do not believe one has to stay in the muck. But if one is in the muck, make sure you know it with you heart and mind.
With these, measure where you were and where you are. As I reflect this morning on this, I find myself whispering a David prayer; “God, you pulled me out of the grave, gave me another chance at life when I was down-and-out.” (Psalm 30.3) God gives each a fresh chance every day.