Eight years ago I picked up a CD in Stockholm. It was an odd choice, not one that I intended on making at the start. The shop was nothing special. Two racks had an identical selection of eight CDs. I was interested in two of them. As I tried to listen to either CD a third one always played. I was puzzled the first time it happened on one rack. After repeatedly trying to listen to at least one of the two CDs, I gave up and moved onto the other. The experience repeated itself! The repetition of hearing the first track, Lady Stardust, reminded me that Life on occasion whispers in odd ways. Rather than ignore Life, I simply turned knowing that I was supposed to slow down and hear the track.
Eight years later, I am still listening. The haunting lyrics have quietly played in my memories from that day to now. “I don’t need no superhero, I don’t care for Gods with wings, I hear teardrops on the pavement when Lady Stardust [Divinity] sings.” Lisa goes on to remind me to “say something that matters”.
I want to remind you that we are in this world together, perfect when we realize that Lady Stardust sings in our lives. She is part of our community. We are members of a Divine family. Every part of our self depends on the Other. The reality is not new. Centuries ago an author noted that “they all ate and drank identical food and drink, meals provided daily by God. They drank from the Rock, God’s fountain for them that stayed with them wherever they were.” (1 Corinthians 10.3) It was true then. It is true now.
We do not define our community by superheroes or the gods we construct. We defined it by our relationship with each other and the God we hold closest to our hearts. Life matters! What happens is an outcome of our words and actions. Individually and corporately, we make mistakes. With this knowledge, we can do something to make things better.