There are a series of books that have influenced my thinking. Some are obscure – read by a few in the day, quietly fading into the books that spend most of their lives gathering dust on a book shelf somewhere. Few remember them and even fewer know where to find them. Then there are those books that have stood the test of time. Peters and Porter come to mind, but there are more. A theme that links known and unknown is a simple one – the words have stood the test of time.
A truth filled idea that is embraced has the potential to become great. It is in the transformation impact that one experiences the power words can have. They are far more than characters on a page. The character come alive as they dance on and in our hearts. In our embrace they take the forms of our voice, hands, feet, and ears. In the action and the outcomes that follow, they have the potential for greatness.
When an idea remains unused and not appreciated, the wise man never assumed it is useless. Ideas should be measured, weighed, and considered. Ideas with potential should be tested. With wisdom, outcomes considered. Gems and pearls are often hidden from all but the most curious.
Great ideas always stand the test of time. They remain as useful and purpose filled generations later as they are when each was introduced. Casual conversations give hints to nuggets that can be shared. When I see the psalmist’s note, “What you say goes – it always has. “Beauty” and “Holy” mark your palace rule, God, to the very end of time,” (Psalm 93.5) I catch myself holding on stories fill with love, caring, and community gems.
Yesterday’s readings as well as today’s continue to widen and deepen my vision. I am thankful for yesterday’s teachers – each left a gem, sometimes two or three with me. Thank-you for your gifts. The touch of yesterday still lingers. It made a different in the day. I hope I am able to do justice to them today.